How To De-index Your Docs From Google (And Then Fix It)

For months I worked on reviving the search results for Camunda's version 7 documentation. Our docs weren't giving 0 results for most queries, but they weren't far off. I learned unexpected details about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) — especially Google's flavor of SEO. Eventually I fixed it, though I had my doubts along the way.

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2022 In Review

In a surprising turn of events, I'm happy with my 2022, and I don't really have much to complain about. Is this growing up?

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Thoughts On Code Distance

I've been thinking this week about code distance — the distance between bits of code that are related to the same feature. I wonder if there's a good metric for this?

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Avoiding Test-Case Permutation Blowout

Sometimes you want to write tests for a business rule that's based on multiple variables. Covering every possible permutation of the variables quickly becomes unsustainable. I've found myself using a different approach — one test for the positive case, and one test for each variable's negative case.

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Cross-Section Of A Redwood App

I'm in love with RedwoodJS. I noticed that a recent PR on a personal project nicely captured a cross-section of a Redwood app — all the bits needed to pass data from the UI to the database and back.

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2020 In Review

2020. Yikes! Ouch. Woof. What a year. It was awful at times — but some good things still came out of it.

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Notes are just short articles

In my head I created a distinction between long content and short content. I think the distinction is really there, but I don't think it warrants separate communication channels.

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Lowering the bar for content creation

Today I'm thinking about lowering the bar for content creation by embracing smallness. Often when I want to create something it becomes *huge* in my mind, and I don't deliver it because I lose interest before achieving the grandiosity.

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I Am Slow And That's Okay

It's taken me many years as a developer to become comfortable with the speed at which I work. I'm slow! Recently my friend Nicole helped me understand more about why I work slowly.

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Working With Variables In Cypress Tests

I'd read that working with variables in Cypress tests was tricky, but I dismissed it as an edge case I didn't need to know about. Then I needed to store a variable in a test and hilarity ensued.

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2019 In Review

2019, am I right? It was a year! It occurred after 2018! And before 2020! And a bunch of things happened!

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5 Tips For Writing A Conference Submission

We recently finalized the speakers and sessions for Cream City Code 2018. We received a great number of submissions this year, and after reviewing them all, I've put together 5 tips for writing your next conference submission.

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Mocking ES2015 modules

When unit testing your ES2015 code, you'll probably want to mock dependencies. My team had been tolerating some test-induced damage to our code, in order to allow mocking of ES2015 module exports. But recently we discovered a feature of ES2015 modules that allowed us eliminate the test-induced damage.

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SSIS Is Annoying

The project I'm currently working on requires a spreadsheet to be imported into the database. SSIS seemed like the logical solution to this. Then the honeymoon ended, and I found out SSIS was stealing my money and slowly poisoning me. Here are some other things SSIS does wrong!

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October Recap

October was a crazy month! Aside from being peak soccer season for my kids, I had two speaking engagements, and helped organize a conference.

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My TDD Sales Pitch

A coworker recently asked me to send some good resources for introducing a team to TDD. I thought the internet was a good place to put it.

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Ember looks neat

I am in the market for a new MV* framework in Javascript. I'm not totally sold on Angular 2 or React, but I think Ember looks neat.

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